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I'll start, but don't let me monopolize this convo. Step up, take the mic!
I was born in Israel, lived in the US most of my life, and I've been blessed to have Shabbos in my life from day one. Several years ago I was introduced to Chatzos Shabbos and it got my attention.
There have been so many weeks when I was a madwoman in the kitchen on Friday afternoon, leaving barely enough time to get myself straightened out and easy on the eyes before I lit candles. I watched the minutes, I squeezed in what I could, and so often I added yet another dish that really wasn't needed. The rest of the week had nothing to do with Shabbos.
Now my Shabbos prep starts Motzei Shabbos (Saturday night) with the simple act of putting new candles into my candlesticks. Sunday I make a menu, think about hosting, and usually bake or make and freeze soups. The rest of the week - in an ideal world - I do something for Shabbos daily so that when Friday comes around there are only a few small things to do. I remember clearly the first few Chatzos weeks. It was weird, and wonderful. I've gotten into a groove, some weeks are better than others, but overall this has been a game changer.
And now I want to convert the rest of y'all (guess where I live). Ok. Now it's your turn.

Hi. I spend much of my time laying on the couch resting since my eye surgery. Looking forward to trying some new recipes.
I'm a sweet little bubby who loves feeding people homemade kosher food. I nailed the cooking thing, now I just need to figure out the rest of my life. Open to ideas for fun but uncomplicated Shabbos themes or menus.